We have the great opportunity to participate in a program called “Peacemobile” on November 27th and 28th, which promotes anti-bullying and good citizenship.  We will need parents to help run stations that day, so if you are able please contact us at the school, and you too can join in the fun!

Peace for Me section deals with feelings, emotions, self worth and self esteem.  The goal for this section is to enable the children to recognize their emotions and the emotions of others as natural and “ok feelings”.  They realize that everyone, young and old have the same feelings and emotions.  But, it’s how we react to those emotions that make them good or bad.  Learning self control is very important for a peaceful life.  This section also gives the children the names of feelings that they have but may not know what they are called.

Peace for Us deals with relationships, learning to respect others and trying to understand their points of view.  It stresses teamwork, cooperation, and learning to communicate better.  We discuss how we interact with our families and friends.  It also emphasizes how to control anger and conflict resolutions.  Each learning center allows the participants to work together to reach a common goal.  We also learn how to accept the differences in others in order to develop patience and understanding for better communication.

Peace for Everyone touches on human rights and justice.  This is a hard concept for adults and is especially difficult to understand for children.  We emphasize that although everyone in the world is different, we all have the same basic needs.  Through learning a little about various countries and cultures, we can understand them better and realize how very much alike we really are.  The diversity of our world is what makes it beautiful and so much fun.  We learn to enjoy our differences and understand each other.  We are all on the same planet, and need to learn to work together as one global community of neighbors.

With the recent violence happening in our world, we need even more than ever to be able to see how much we need to learn to listen and understand each other.  We need to learn to get along.  We’re trying to teach children to love and accept the differences in the world’s people.  To have justice for all we must realize we can’t always have things our own way.  If we understand why people live the way they do and listen to what they really need, then we can learn ways to help each other and improve the worlds living conditions.

Peace for the Planet emphasizes the variety of life on our earth and how important it is that we care for all of it.  In realizing that we are the caretakers or “Stewards” of the earth we can then work together to clean it up for future generations.  In this section we help the children understand the differences of “At Risk”, “Endangered”, and “Extinct” and what affect that has on the human race.  We discuss how we can utilize the “Three R’s” (Recycle, Reuse, Reduce) to enhance our lives and our environment.  When we acknowledge that what we personally do in our own home and neighborhood actually does affect the entire world, we learn to respect all life everywhere.

Thanks so much for your support of this school-wide endeavor!  We are being afforded this opportunity at a cost of only $2.00/student!


Categories: WTT Events