Inclement Weather, Bus Cancellation and Emergency School Closures


In extreme weather conditions, parents should logon to the Waterloo Region District School Board website to obtain information regarding bus cancellations and school closures at

Please do not telephone the school.

Rainy Day Procedures

Teachers begin supervising the playground at 8:30 a.m. each morning therefore, students must not arrive at school prior to this time. If there is inclement weather before school, (pouring rain or -35C), the rain bell may be rung to signal students to come inside at 8:30 am. Students must dress appropriately for the weather. Student may be kept inside at nutrition break during inclement weather.

Inclement and Severe Weather

As the cold weather arrives, it’s important for everyone to be familiar with our Severe Weather Conditions procedure.

  1. Frigid Temperatures: Schools will NOT automatically be closed when temperatures reach -35C or colder with wind-chill. While buses will not operate, the decision to close schools will depend on weather and road conditions.
  2. School closures related to transportation – Linwood PS, Floradale PS, and Waterloo-Oxford DSS: These schools will not automatically be closed when transportation is closed in Wellesley, Wilmot, and Woolwich Townships. Decision as to school closures in this area, as in other parts of the board, will depend on weather and road conditions.

More information can be found in AP4130 – Severe Weather Conditions

Looking for more information on how we make decisions to cancel transportation and/or close schools?

You may also listen to the local radio stations or stations C.H.Y.M FM 96.7, Kool FM105.3, Dave FM 107.5, KICKX 106.7, CKWR FM 98.5, The Beat FM 91.5, and Faith FM 94.3.

If early morning Special Education and regular bus routes are cancelled, they are automatically cancelled for the entire day. Bus transportation will most likely be cancelled if necessary early in the morning.  In the event that weather conditions deteriorate after school has started in the morning, regular afternoon bus schedules may commence earlier than normal.  Tune into the radio or check the WRDSB website for announcements. A media announcement will be made letting parents know that students will be bused home early and at what time. All bus students, Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6, will be then dropped off at the afternoon bus stop.  Parents of students who are transported daily by bus should frequently review with their children the family procedures to follow when they arrive home early.  Make arrangements now to ensure that your children know exactly what to do if for some reason you should not be home when they arrive early.  Can they locate a key?  Should they go to a neighbour’s house?  It is not feasible for school staff to personally notify parents in the event of an early bus dismissal. In an emergency, weather conditions may become severe and schools may be closed. In this case, Mrs. Briscoe will remain at the school until all students have left or have been picked up. Parents always have the option of keeping children home or picking them up early when concerned about weather conditions.



Click here for: ***Bus Transportation and School Closures ***

Power failure, breakdown of the heating system, or broken water lines are examples of events that might cause an immediate school closing.  In such an emergency the students at W.T. Townshend would be evacuated to Williamsburg P.S. or Westmount Retirement Centre.