
Today’s Michael Wade author visit was a huge success.  Mr Wade captivated students with his engaging presentation – lots of laughter filled the gym. His messages which included “reading for pleasure is exercise for the brain” and “all of us have the skills to become writers” were inspiring.  Our students love his books – Mr. Wade was very pleasantly surprised by how many copies of his books sold today and we saw many students hugging their new books on the way home!  We are delighted that Mr. Wade noted how well behaved our students were during the presentation. You can learn more about Mr. Wade and his books at www.booksforboys.com.  Thanks to Ms Thompson for arranging this visit.

Extra Curricular Activities – Tommorw will be the last day for extra-curricular activites for the timebeing.  Fortunately, TSN can finish and will be running tomorrow for grades 3 and 4 as planned.  All other extra-curricular activites are postponed for the time being.

Move-A- Thon – Thanks for sending the pledge forms in already.  We are looking forward to a great day on Thursday.

We respectfully remind parents and students that this Friday October 30th is a regular instructional day even though everyone is encouraged to wear black and orange or a Hallowe’en costume (no masks, make-up or weapons please).  Please refrain from sending in treats – while we appreciate your spirit and generosity, home-baked treats are never allowed and an abundance of candy makes it extremely difficult to check that all products are peanut free.  Our first priority is the safety of each and every one of our students.